By: Will M. "Duh" Foe
Casino Boogie Entertainment (CBE)- The United States media is the least trustworthy in the world, according to a comprehensive new Reuters Institute Study encompassing 46 countries. This is not satire. You read that correctly. The United States of America is the least trusted news source in the world.
Finland ranked first, coming in with a 65% trust rating. Kenya received a 61% trust rating. The trust rating for The United States of America caboosed the poll with a whopping 29%. So Kenya had double the trust rating as The United States…and you thought Kenya only lapped America in the Boston Marathon.
If you’re an idiot, ignorant, or possibly a combination of the two, this might surprise you. If you’re still drinking government-issued propaganda-ade, the evidence of this poll is more of an indictment on the American people and not the media.
While the American media has led its people to believe that this is all Donald Trump’s fault (along with inflation, Pearl Harbor, and the music of Nickelback) this trend had been growing before his administration. According to a 2015 Axios survey, 80% of American independent voters said they believed news organizations report news “they know to be fake, false or purposely misleading”. 92% of Republican voters said the same, along with a majority of Democrat voters. So contrary to what the mainstream media claims, there is one issue that all Americans agree on: our media blows. At this point, the only utility in consuming mainstream news is to tune in to know what isn’t going on. You say dystopian nightmare, but it's more like a wet dream.
It wasn’t always like this-in 1976, 75% of the American people found their news organizations trustworthy. In a span of 47 years, trust in American news outlets is down nearly 200%.
When Chris Licht became CEO of CNN in May 2022, he proclaimed it was his goal to regain the trust of the American people. CNN, a once trusted news empire among both Republican and Democrat voters, has lost all of its credibility- and its viewership in the past decade.
Casino Boogie is going to offer up 25 honest headlines for all of the American news organizations, in an attempt to regain the trust of Americans.
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Will M. "Duh" Foe
Casino Boogie Entertainment