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Biden Apologizes For Calling Unauthorized Life Stopper A Murderer During SOTU

Paul Flax-Mills

Laken Riley

By: Paul Flax Mills

CASINO BOOGIE (CBE) - President Biden delivered his third, and most raucous State of The Union address last Thursday, March the 7th. With re-election looming in November, the President presented a fiery and nearly coherent speech (by regular verbal communicative standards), making sure to highlight his long list of accomplishments, lay out his plans for a second term, provide a contrast to Republicans, and prove to American voters that when gassed up with enough amphetamines to get Motley Crue through a cross-country tour, he still has the stamina necessary to simply appear on camera for another four years. 

The SOTU began with Biden sampling President Franklin Delano Romanowski’s speech from 1941, like a millennial rapper with no musical talent, a drum machine, and an inventory of rhyming champagne and jewelry products, because in 2024, not even Presidential speeches have to be original. 

You don’t need to write no speech! Smart people from them yesterday times done already wrotten it dummy! Just readed it! 

“My fellow Americans, in January of 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. He said, which I’m now repeating as if it were my own, “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.” Hitler was on the march. War was raging all over Europe. President Roosevelt’s purpose was to wake up Congress, and alert the American people that this was no ordinary moment.” 

President Biden evoked FDR’s speech attempting to draw parallels with the current state of affairs. Proving that his son Hunter is the only artist in the family, Biden instead scribbled perpendiculars. 

When FDR gave his 1941 speech, Hitler and Nazi Germany had already conquered Poland, Norway, Denmark, France, The Balkans, The Benelux Countries, Six Flags Bucharest, and North Africa, while beginning to gear up for the invasion of the Soviet Union. All of this occurred in 16 months (Sept 1939 invasion of Poland- SOTU 1941) also coinciding with the placement of Jews in concentration camps, which would later become extermination camps and claim over six million Jewish lives, as well as six million others. In comparison, Vladimir Putin and Russia have invaded and not conquered one country in three full years and there are still synagogues in Moscow. If Bad Vlad and the Rooskies have the same aspirations as Hitler, and they keep this same pace, they’ll conquer Europe right before his one hundred and thirty-third birthday. He’s 71 today. WATCH OUT! THAT ICEBERG IS COMING RIGHT AT YOU! 

But it wasn’t just foreign affairs that President Biden focused on. He addressed the nation about the growing threats to democracy domestically. While never mentioning Donald Trump by name, referring to him as my predecessor, Biden did his best to make stark contrasts between the two regimes. 

“Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today. What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time.” 

“Right now, there are countries all over the world destroying democracy before our very eyes. In Western countries, and Latin American countries, some of which were flourishing less than a decade ago, authoritative governments are jailing their political opponents, rigging elections, suppressing free speech, and freedom of the press, mandating experimental medical therapies, applying the law only when it suits their party’s agenda, or engaging in large-scale cleptocracy- stealing taxes from the people for manufactured wars and felonious causes, so that they can launder the money right back to the oligarchy who finance their campaigns. An incestual cycle of nonsense that even Oedipus would call motherfuckin crazy. We must be vigilant in our efforts to thwart these modern iterations of fascism, which is what it truly is. I mean it, it’s not a joke. Not a joke,” The President declared with his signature petering wane. 

After shouting like an old man sending lukewarm soup back to a diner kitchen, Biden relaxed when listing his accomplishments through his first three years. He reminded the American people of his largest accomplishment as President…not being named Donald J. Trump. “When I campaigned from a LA-Z Boy recliner in my basement, giving fewer televised campaign interviews than James K Polk, I offered up absolutely no agendas, policies, or ideas for the future. But I promised the American people that I was not Donald Trump, and I received the most votes in our country's history for no other reason than that! I’m proud to say to you all, that I’ve stuck to that promise.” the President said before a huge applause that saw Vice President Kamala Harris breaking her personal record of 80 chair squats in an hour. 

Biden continued by stating his obvious economic successes, reminding the American people that the stock market has never looked better, and how thanks to him Wall Street and hedge funds like BlackRock or Vanguard have been able to price out an entire generation of people from owning a home, obtaining healthcare, or having proper access to goods and services. The stuff you know, our ancestors fought and died for. 

One contentious moment during The President’s address prevented him from reading the script that echoed, everything he said in the previous two SOTUs. During a lull, Biden was heckled by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia who shouted: Say her name! Say her name!, referring to Laken Riley, a 22-year-old University of Georgia nursing student who was recently unalived by one of the nearly nine million undocumented non-citizens that have entered the country due to Biden’s open border policy. During The President’s entrance, Green was filmed handing Biden a Laken Riley pin, with the words SAY HER NAME in bold lettering.

Nearly two weeks before the SOTU, on February 22nd Laken went out for a jog near the Athens campus when she was killed as a result of a “crime of opportunity”, which we can assume is Lewis Carroll language for robbery resulting in life loss. The official cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, and the affidavits state her skull was completely disfigured. 

Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan, was charged with eight different crimes including malice murder, murder, and concealing a dead body. Ibarra entered America in September of 2022, and was processed by ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement), but was paroled into the country pending further processing. Hey! You made it here! Talk to you later bro! He then moved to New York City because of their luxurious sanctuary state laws where he was given free housing, free food, and prepaid credit cards by the state, even landing a job with DoorDash, a company defying state and federal labor laws whilst denying any obvious optical evidence to the contrary. He was arrested twice while in New York: once for driving an uninsured, unregistered vehicle for his food delivery job, and again for child endangerment for driving a city bike/scooter with his young son who was not wearing a helmet. Due to the nature of his crimes, and sanctuary laws,  New York state did not have to cooperate with ICE, and Ibarra was released. He then moved to Georgia to exploit their sanctuary laws. During his short time in Georgia, he was arrested for shoplifting, because free housing, food, money, and untaxable income were still not enough to prevent criminal behavior and again allowed to go free because you guessed it, SANCTUARY STATE LAWS. As long as you’re not an American citizen you can commit any crime you want, all you have to do is move (with free airline tickets and no security checks) if you’re caught. Imagine being the parents knowing how many times your daughter’s death could have been prevented by applying the law. 

During Representative Greene’s rabble interruption, President Biden hastily conceded, and referred to Ibarra as an “illegal” instead of using the politically correct or Mad Hatter version of “undocumented”. This lingual folly led to The President receiving backlash from progressives all over the country and Congress members, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and the rest of the Weather Underground. However, the President apologized for misspeaking the next day during an interview with MSNBC. A capitulation that benefits nobody unless non-citizens are allowed to vote. Hmmm…. 

“I didn’t mean to call the young man a murderer. That's an outdated term. Life ender. Ender of life. He’s not a murderer, he just prevented a young life from continuing its course. Biden Harris 24!”

Some would say, if Biden didn’t have an open border policy, ICE would have deported Ibarra at the border. Others would say, yeah but if New York didn’t have unconstitutional and illogical Sanctuary state laws, they or ICE could have detained or deported Ibarra after his first set of crimes. By the same logic, Homeland Security or Georgia police could have done their job and kept Ibarra in custody after his crimes in the Peach State. But law and order is now a one-way street in this country. The precedent set by Biden’s administration has laid the groundwork, in more ways than listed in this article, for whatever administration comes in the future to pick and choose when and to whom they apply the law and what laws to apply. This is not democracy. If you like it now, you won’t like it later if your team loses.

A donut without a hole isn’t a donut. It’s a Danish. A country without borders isn’t a country. It’s Lord of The Flies with adults. A justice system without law isn’t a justice system. It’s the preamble of a superhero origin story.  

I'll leave you with a scene from Robert Bolt's, A Man For All Seasons.

William Roper: "So, now you'd give the Devil the benefit of the law!" 

Sir Thomas More: "Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?"

William Roper: "Yes! I'd cut down every law in England to do that!

Sir Thomas More: "Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast -- man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake."

On a serious note...

Below is a link to a GoFundMe for memorial services of Laken Riley’s family, if anyone wants to help. 

Paul Flax-Mills

Casino Boogie Entertainment

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