By: Anita Hug-Baddley
(Casino Boogie’s Panamanian Pansexual Pantomime)
Casino Boogie Entertainment(CBE)- On Tuesday the 24th, Aretha Franklin-the Queen of Soul came into the crosshairs of the LGBTQIA#$%&*@{batmanlogo} community when her song Natural Woman was deemed offensive to transwomen.
The Norwegian-based Trans-Activist group TCMA (Trans-Cultural Mindful Alliance) tweeted: Aretha Franklin’s 1968 song Natural Woman perpetuates multiple harmful anti-trans stereotypes. There is no such thing as a natural woman. This song has helped inspire acts of harm against transgender women. TCMA is requesting the song be removed from Spotify and Apple Music.
“Gendered songs are killing more people than Russian bombs today. Artists have to be aware of the fact that when they write songs, stories, etc. that there are over 2,500 genders in the world, and their art must be inclusive to all,” a spokesperson for TCMA said in a zoom call Wednesday.
Natural Woman was released as a single in 1967, an antiquated time when people didn’t trust the science and didn’t know that there are over 3,000 genders( since I’ve typed the previous paragraph ^^^ another 500 have been added). But it isn’t just Aretha Franklin’s adored love ballad that is coming under scrutiny, trans-activist groups are calling on thousands of songs to be removed from Spotify for their violent rhetorics.
“Basically it is our goal to erase all gendered language from art-dating all the way back to the Old Testament and Hieroglyphics. If any work of art mentions the word man or woman, they are contributing to the murder of transpeople everywhere, and we will continue to fight to destroy everything and anything in our path.”
Casino Boogie is looking to help the situation. Listed below are 25 new versions of songs that everyone can enjoy.
Ze’s Always A Something (She’s Always A Woman) by Billy Joel.
WoMannish BoyGirl (Mannish Boy) by Muddy Waters
Black Magic Thingy (Black Magic Woman) by Santana
Enter Sandbox (Enter Sandman) by Metallica
Frosty The SnowTran (Frosty The Snowman) by Jack Rollins
Pan! I Feel Like I’m Neither (Man, I Feel Like A Woman) by Shania Twain
Please Mx. Postal Worker (Please Mr. Postman) by The Marvelletes
My Demigirl (My Girl) by The Temptations
Then Xe Kissed Me (Then He Kissed Me) by The Crystals
A Boy Named Sue (A Boy Named Sue) by Johnny Cash
As Ve’s Walking Away (As She’s Walking Away) by Zac Brown Band
That’s A Rainbow (She’s A Rainbow) by The Rolling Stones
Sweet Little Cis Teen (Sweet Little Sixteen) by Chuck Berry
I’ve Got A Human (I’ve Got A Woman) by Ray Charles
Be My Theyby (Be My Baby) by The Ronnettes
Could They/Them Be Loved (Could You Be Loved) by Bob Marley
Jealous Tri (Jealous Guy) by John Lennon
And I Love Xer (And I Love Her) by The Beatles
Touch Ve (Touch Me) by The Doors
When A Pan Loves A Human (When A Man Loves A Woman) by Michael Bolton
Transgender Man In The Mirror (Man In The Mirror) by Michael Jackson
Luck Be A XiXi Tonight (Luck Be A Lady) by Frank Sinatra
Any Gender You Like (Any Colour You Like) by Pink Floyd
Southern Pan (Southern Man) by Neil Young
Brown Eyed Squirrel (Trans-species Tiesto Remix) ((Brown Eyed Girl)) by Van Morrison
Casino Boogie will continue to be an ally to the LGBTQIA#$%&*@{Batman logo} community. If you know of any other hateful and disgusting gendered songs, comment below! Sic semper tyrannis!
Anita Hug-Baddley
Casino Boogie Entertainment