Adult Veruca Salt’s Demands Making Father Uncomfortable
What do you get when your adult child is a brat?
What do you get when your adult child is a brat?
What is the politically correct term for a person who kills another?
An article about the NFL's new safety protocol.
Could the solution to homelessness be right under our noses?
The United States and United Kingdom's secret assistance program with Russia
What you missed from the first-ever Republican Primary for Secondary Nominees.
Another example of police brutality in America.
How the mainstream media will gain our trust back.
An article about the inclusivity of excluding art.
An article about the DOJ's plan to arrest taxpayers for 08 bailout of JPMorgan, and aiding a sex trafficking ring.
NAACP to award Jackass Producers, Johnny Knoxville & Jeff Tremaine with prestigious diversity award
An article about Jeep's new innovative seatbelt alarm system, as well as their plans for electronic cars!
Spencer Elden, 30, is upset at how his penis has been portrayed through the years, wants people to understand shrinkage, and puberty. By:...
Hundreds arrested, teenage copulations thwarted during Australia lockdown protests By: Ellen Fuller Authorities in Australia say more...